New Song by Nova1322 - Heaven Knows

Here's a video of my latest song, 'Heaven Knows'. Heaven Knows is about the victorious salvation that is only found in Jesus Christ. Jesus has the power to save souls and give eternal life. 

He's the only One who has the ability, the power and the dominion to do such miraculous acts. 

There is is no other way except through His holy blood shed on the cross. 

In in fact, that was the whole purpose. 

Why did Jesus come down from glory, from heaven and lay His own life to be tortured and crucified? The answer is to SAVE the world through our FAITH believing that this event actually happened and KNOW why it happened.

If we know this sacrifice and BELIEVE it's true and confess with our mouth that this is true, (and TURN from our sin - forsaking it. However if you TRULY believe this, BELIEVING ALONE will make you turn automatically, from sin. And if your having trouble believing, all you need to do is ask God to reveal His Son to you - AND HE WILL!) we can receive salvation and go to heaven when we take our last breath on earth (John 3:16). And Heaven Knows this!

If you would like to stream this song on Spotify click here: STREAM NOW 

It's also available on all distribution platforms like Pandora and Apple Music. 

Many blessings,


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