Gods' Only Son
Acrylic Painting
Size: 32x45
"It's easy to forget how much God the Father loves humanity until we reflect what He gave the human race. In ancient times, one was able to measure His love by connecting it to the - 'prophets He sent out,' to warn the world. But when He sent His Son to saves us, who can out give Him? The Father flexes his great love muscles to the world until He stands alone, until no one can deny His love or measure of His love. And through the 'sending out of His only begotten Son'. These were my thoughts as the bristles of my paint brushes painted the canvas with a grateful heart. If you're interested in knowing what art supplies to use to paint an acrylic piece click here and find out more."
New Beginnings
Acrylic Painting
Size: 32x45
"A separation always need to take place when new beginnings arise. Like a tiny piece of tropic in the distance, it just broke off and your seeing it now but only from a distance. That was part of you but now it's not, and if you stay on that tiny island you will perish. There's not enough. You are new now. The old is gone and the new is here. Enjoy your life in your new tropical island of blessings. Wave goodbye. If you're interested in knowing what art supplies to use to paint an acrylic piece click here and find out more."
Wherever I Go
Acrylic Painting
Size: 32x45
"The bible describes Jesus Christ as The Man of war. When Moses and the Israelite escaped Pharaohs oppression, Moses refereed to Him this way. Jesus might be the gentle Shepherd, providing escape, tending to the flock, teaching His children but fearless if the wolf cones to attack His sheep. It's no wonder why He kept telling Joshua, "do not fear, do not be afraid." It wasn't because Joshua was able to win on his own, it was because the Man of war is, was and will always be undefeated and victorious wherever we go. If you're interested in knowing what art supplies to use to paint an acrylic piece click here and find out more."
Green Pastures
Acrylic Painting
Size: 32x45
"I got my inspiration for this painting from the Book of Psalms, one of my favorite books in the Bible. In Psalm 23:1 it reads, 'He leads me by the still waters and makes me lie down in green pastures.' Perfect picture of who and what the Lord does for His people. He is the Prince of Peace and green pastures to me represent lush, beautiful, peace from heaven. If you're interested in knowing what art supplies to use to paint an acrylic piece click here and find out more."
Set Apart
Acrylic Painting
Size: 32x45
"As a dancer growing up and former dance teacher, I wanted to paint an inspiring piece of art on movement. I was looking at a dance magazine and came across this pose. A friend of mine told me, ballet is definitely going to be in heaven. She just knew it.and I agreed. These kinds of dancers are not only graceful but determined, focused and powerful; almost holy looking and Set Apart. If you're interested in knowing what art supplies to use to paint with just click here. And for Set Apart T-shirts, mugs and other printables you can click on this link and you will find many items from this particular line."
When I Prayed
Acrylic Painting
Size: 32x45
"A prophet once told me, I had angles all around me and God has always assigned angels to me. She continued saying, she wasn't sure if I could see them, or sense them, but the holy angels have always been with me. God has always assigned angels to me, she said full of the Holy Spirit. And those words inspired me to paint a beautiful angel being assigned to me. I pray you will sense Holy Angels protecting you but if you don't just know they are with you, protecting you. If you're interested in knowing what art supplies to use to paint an acrylic piece click here and find out more."
Be Transformed
Acrylic Painting
Size: 32x45
"Be transformed, was drawn out of me during a time of restlessness with realism art (which is what I specialize in). I wanted to play with colors and express myself with different forms and when I completed it I looked back at the design and it looked almost like a separation after it was renewed or made into the likeness of God's Word. Only His word which is Jesus, the living Word can uphold us. Only His Word, can transform us. If you're interested in knowing what art supplies to use to paint an acrylic piece click here and find out more."
Wonderfully Made
Acrylic Painting
Size: 32x45
"David, the author of Psalms in the Bible wrote , 'I am fearfully and wonderfully made'. Clearly as one keeps reading the realization of his upbringing is mentioned. David grew up despised by his father and not very liked by his brothers. But though revelation he knew he wasn't a mistake. And that's when he proclaimed this truth. Even if circumstances don't match the truth, all of us have been made in the image of God and we have our own set of finger prints to prove it. The pink in this piece is an expression of life in the womb where we've been wonderfully made. If you're interested in knowing what art supplies to use to paint an acrylic piece click here and find out more."
High Places
Acrylic Painting
Size: 32x45
"I had an itch to paint a beautiful air balloon for some time. Where I live during spring and summer time several air balloons release their gas and away they go. Colorful and so pretty. Who doesn't want to gaze at a colorful extraordinary thing? I myself wouldn't take that risk and that is why I painted my own adventure in the sky. Looking at it makes me feel like I'm in that little basket free and happy. If you're interested in knowing what art supplies to use to paint an acrylic piece click here and find out more."
Light my Path
Acrylic Painting
Size: 32x45
"I was going through a phase of painting 8x10 pieces and was glad I did. I enjoy massive paintings. When working with large pieces I feel powerful and empowered by God (since my art is Christian based).but with small pieces they are like little pieces of jewels. They make people happy and with a light house you can't go wrong. Feeling lost ins't good but the light house is comfort and so with this little painting is like comfort in your hands. If you're interested in knowing what art supplies to use to paint an acrylic piece click here and find out more."
Son of God
Acrylic Painting
Size: 32x45
"I have so many Jesus portrait I want to begin working on this year but this piece is the first I ever painted during college. This art piece has been talked about than any other of my pieces. I had a lady enter the gallery once and came back the next day to purchase it after the Holy Spirit spoke to her. She was going through rough times and when I heard the story I felt so blessed knowing this painting brought healing to her. Another time was when I hung it over my grandmas' bed during her stay at the nursing home. The Catholic nuns told the nurses during their visit, there was something special about the painting, as if God's hand is on the painting. Story after story I kept hearing and each time I thanked God. I pray it blesses you too. This art piece was inspired by the movie, Passion of the Christ, directed by Mel Gibson. If you're interested in knowing what art supplies to use to paint an acrylic piece click here and find out more."
Where it Blows
Acrylic Painting
Size: 32x45
"The Holy Spirit cannot be explained. How He transforms a heart, works or operates. Nicodemus, a High Priest in the Bible asked Jesus what it meant to be born again. Jesus described this experience like the wind. Even the Son of God couldn't really explain this operating miracle because it cant be explained and mere words would only fall short, He can only be experienced and felt just like the wind. If you're interested in knowing what art supplies to use to paint an acrylic piece click here and find out more."
The Castle
Acrylic Painting
Size: 32x45
"This piece was the second art piece I ever painted. I chose a Castle because of it's royal feel to it. I fell in love with the colors as well. One of my favorite sections of this painting are the snowy mountains only because it depicts the smallest details of the snow on the mountain tops and the blue shades lend a beautiful cool spring is almost here feel to it. If you're interested in knowing what art supplies to use to paint an acrylic piece click here and find out more."
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