Heaven on Earth ( Things Like This Part 3 )


In my previous post (Part2) I wrote about amazing locations on earth people have visited 

or want to visit, which will tie into my new song, 'Things Like This,' (available on spotify now) later on.  

I then left off, writing about a place that's 1000 times better than any place on planet earth. 

And this is where I want to begin. 

Not only do you experience its beauty but you actually hear its heart beat.

It's so alive you perceive it speaking to you, clearly.

This voice is like no other. 

When It's heard, all of creation stops to listen. Carefully, they wait. 

The animals stand still and the birds stop flying. 

Because they're aware...

this voice created them and their very lives are sustained through every Word. 

The voice is God and the place is earth in its earliest stages...in the very beginning...

It's the Garden of Eden!

when God CREATED IT...with mere Words. 

Not through angels or heavenly workers or strong creatures. 

He created this lush garden and the whole Earth with Just WORDS! 

Let there be light and there was light! Gen 1:3

No need for matter to evolve for billions of years until some type of life was formed

or wait for the right explosion to occur and hit at just the right time and then wait...who knows how long! 

In this case, God just speaks and His creation is FINISHED. 

Evolution never ends and it turns into many forms. From one thing to another...

But here... 

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. Gen 2:1

This place...pure perfection...in it's purest form

and all the elements, laws and matter were aligned as they should have been, to flow, operate and function like Heaven but really, Earth.

Every crawling thing and every living creature He created...above the earth, under the world and even in the unseen world was made with His voice...


So now...imagine observing massive mountains and vast oceans but when you do you hear Him...

calling your name...encouraging you and reassuring you about anything at any given time. 

His voice is not your imagination and it's not something you get from meditation. 

Here...there's no need for FAITH. 

It's clear and loudly heard...

not only in your spirit but your physical ears.

Imagine the confidence arising in you as the wind begins blowing from the four corners of the earth preparing you to hear SOMETHING GLORIOUS.  

"I made all this for you. And it's all yours. Now multiply and eat what you wish and move among earth as you perfectly are." 

Doubt is completely absent since the Creator is easily found within the elements.

 Everything is, not only Beautiful, it's purposeful...

The fields are arrayed and dressed in flowers as you catch to smell jasmine, lavender and cinnamon... 

and they too are meaningful, swaying, undeniably. And if you look closer they're actually worshiping. Planted so alive and distinct...they only wait for one thing...

for God to speak again and again.

And so, as the Earth is exquisite so is the human race! 

No corruption only innocents. 

and glory... 

Not like the Most High (because who's like God)?

but instead like His image. 

The resemblance is recognized by everyone. Their inheritance, obviously known by all. 

Every beast and living creature observes and sees this image. 

"They are no doubt, children of the living God -chosen and created from the dust of the earth," they say. "Created to commune with their Father and freely love Him for all He has made and stands for and for who He is." 

This was possible because during the creation of MAN

nothing was created artificially -  free will was activated and through this human will

a loving relationship was...POSSIBLE between man and God 

or not...

IT WAS UP TO man...and up to the woman too!

But along with this freedom of choice built in, they were also created with intelligence and wisdom. Adam and Eve (the first humans) were able to understand, create, reflect, make decisions and master skills in this paradise. 

So they did and lived how they wanted...

All on their own...

But not 100% independent. They were still created beings and completely innocent and sinless.

They were children of God.

And one day God pointed out one little thing in the garden...a tree! 

Stay away from it, God commanded them. And do not touch it!

The test of LOVE!

If they obeyed, their love was sure towards God. If they didn't... then they were exactly like someone God knew very well. Someone He created a long time ago.

He used his free will to destroy instead of choosing to LOVE!

DESTROY Gods Kingdom. Well, at least he tried.

The root was...plain jealousy towards God. 

And that was his CHOICE.

He was envious.

And why wouldn't he be?

Imagine God...

full of power and glory...

the Creator of the universe displaying His majesty...

ONLY speaking things into existence as He's being worshipped for all the good deeds He's performing in eternal glory.

It was opt to happen for one of His creation to start looking at Him with a funny eye. 

His name was Lucifer. And God knew this fallen angel was lurking in the shadows still completely consumed by rage.

This back-stabbing fallen Angel has many names. 

In fact, here's a list of them below, but in this case...he's the serpent.

  • Abaddon — Hebrew for "destruction"
  • Accuser
  • Adversary
  • Angel of Light (a being Satan can transform into)
  • Angel of the bottomless pit
  • Antichrist
  • Apollyon — Greek for "destroyer"
  • Beast
  • Beelzebub — "Ruler of the demons"
  • Belial
  • Deceiver
  • Devil
  • Dragon
  • Enemy
  • Evil One
  • Father of Lies
  • King of the Bottomless Pit
  • Lawless One
  • Leviathan
  • Liar
  • Lucifer
  • Murderer
  • Power of Darkness
  • Prince of the Power of the Air
  • Ruler of the Darkness
  • Ruler of this World
  • Serpent of Old
  • Son of Perdition
  • Fallen Star
  • Tempter
  • Thief
  • Wicked One

But he wasn't always terrible, in fact he was the most beautiful creatures God ever created probably in all of His kingdom. 

Just like Adam and Eve but in human form. And just like Lucifer, their freedom to choose life instead of death was going to be put to the test.

Was it going to be God (life) or themselves (which is the Devil, resulting in death)?

And I'll write more about their decision in my next post to further express the importance of being born again and what it actually means. 

Until then, I look forward continuing this series as I complete my new single, 'Things Like This,' (available on spotify now) which is what this song is about. It's the whole story behind it and I hope you keep reading my posts either to get a better understanding of becoming new or just to get encouraged.

Be sure to subscribe through our email list so you wont miss anything!

Many Blessings,



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