Imagine The most Beautiful Place on Earth (Things Like This PART 2)


I've been working on my new single, "Things Like This," (available on Spotify now) which is about being born again as I mentioned before in my previous post (Part 1) and...

in this post I'll begin to explain why it's important to become brand-new through God's Spirit. I'll do my best to paint a  beautiful picture with my own words since I like to think myself as a natural story teller. 

Most of my content will be as I see things when I meditate on the Bible, purely from my imagination but still referencing the bible to keep things truthful.

First of all, imagine an exceptional place you've recently visited or want to vacation at before leaving this earth. 

You're there....surrounded by all the beauty and taking in as much as your senses can fathom. 

What do you see? Or what do you remember about it?

Is it a sandy beach with water so clear you can see every living creature in it? Can you feel the salty air in your face? 

You're now indulging in complete tropic glory and as you decide to swim in her therapeutic ocean, you realize you've never seen such life with stripes and tails that glow and move with such grace in water before. 

Suddenly you feel exotic and free and one with the world. 

You're comforted now because you escaped the mundane. And when your eyes seen enough beauty inside her glass like liquid, the lush sand awaits you. 

It calls you. 

You lay on her cool ivory powder and stay there forever. And as the glistening waves calm you with their is at that moment, your heart wonders if there's more! 

More treasure like this.

Can you see this island of perfection? Have you experienced this before? 

Maybe your beautiful place is not a summer delight at all. Perhaps it's a National Forest where your surrounded by massive stones that almost frighten you. 

Their grandeur is so scary, gazing up at them force you to feel their unmoved history like their alive!

And as you catch the aroma of cedar and pine you wonder what's inside her hidden caves and dangerous places. 

All this wild life and heaven on earth put you under a spell and you feel tiny now but your okay with it. You don't believe in God at this point (to those who don't) but somehow you start reaching for a Creator. 'This place must have one. I swear,' you mutter. But we wont tell anyone!

This natural beauty, earth so generously offers is obviously breath taking but then again, you might be thinking of something a sunset. 

An early evening setting so dreamy it leaves you satisfied every time. 

With violet and orange colors meshing together before your eyes and suddenly enveloping themselves into the brightest of golds, you feel your observing a canvas of incredible tints and hues. 

Except this is not a abstract painting at all, it's the sky with the whole thing now covered in golden copper. 

This delicious scene kisses your skin and as the world waves goodbye to the sun  (your part anyway) you catch a glimpse of this living star asking God permission to depart from the scene (as it always does) after its work is done. 


Goodbye life giving sun.

And suddenly its gone. You realize, you just witnessed Earth do what she is designed to do and no canvas or day is ever the same.

Now imagine a place like this but a thousand times better.

A place where not only you feel the wind on your face but you hear it's melodies, its rhythm and its heart beat. And once in while you hear an audible voice within the chambers of all this natural beauty. 

This place is...

To be continued!

Please subscribe so you wont miss upcoming posts on my 'Born Again' series while I continue working on my song, 'Things Like This.'

Many Blessings,


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